
Law Enforcement Briefing – September 2023

21/09/2023 11.00-11.30am
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In this webinar we’ll be joined by Bedroq’s Senior Technical Architect, Mike Cummins, to discuss the role of technology in successful law enforcement operations. There will be demos of the technology being discussed as well as the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Bedroq Capture Drives Operational Success

ANPR technology is an important tool for law enforcement agencies, as it rapidly identifies and analyses vehicles of interest, stolen vehicles, or those associated with criminal activities. Join us to find out more about our fully-managed Bedroq Capture service and to learn about the operational impact through current, real-life examples.

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • How a cloud-based ANPR solution can be more reliable, easier to maintain, and more cost effective than on-premises options
  • Simplifying the integration of ANPR camera feeds from external agencies to give your team the bigger picture
  • The impact of putting ANPR data into the hands of frontline officers
  • How Bedroq Capture for ANPR has helped GMP increase their vehicle seizures rate by nearly 30% in just three months

Access to this webinar is restricted to Law Enforcement professionals.

Read more about the operational impact that GMP has experienced since upgrading their ANPR Network.


Mike C

Senior Technical Architect