Deep sector experience
We have deep sector experience in CNI, public security and specialist corporates. We have team members with security clearance (DV and SC) to work within law enforcement, power installations and Government networks and buildings.

Accessibility, agility and collegiate approach
Our technology experts are readily accessible to discuss ideas in principle before formally kicking off projects, This level of agility, collegiate approach to problem solving couple with our rigorous commitment to design and testing means solutions work first time. “When they switch it on it just works”

Proactive monitoring and management
We have a network operations centre (NOC) that can proactively monitor and manage networks and systems 24/7. Part of our operation is has List N Facility Security Clearance which means we are cleared by government to work with the most sensitive information.

Demonstrable performance measures
Finally, we believe that if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it. We like to make things visual, we love a dashboard and want to demonstrate performance in action to project leaders, chiefs of police and CEOs in demanding industries.